
Ok, so first I have to give a big shout out to Jenn. This is seriously the cutest blog I've ever seen. I am so impressed with your skills.

Welcome everyone to our Joy School. This is going to be a fun year. I would love to hear your comments, not only on the classes I'm in charge of, but maybe some suggestions of what we all can do to improve our classes.

Here is what we did on October 12.

While preparing for the class I said a prayer that I could teach each child in the manner with at would help them learn most. I hope it doesn't sound cheesy that I did that, but I feel that our kids will learn better if we teach with inspiration, no matter what the subject is we're teaching.

We started off the day by singing some songs. Each boy chose an action he wanted to do, and we all did those actions. We also began class by singing the alphabet song and pointing to each letter.

We also did a Weather Report. We looked out the window and decided how the day looked, then we put our observations on the weather board.

I had each child pick his name from a group posted on the wall. I was impressed with how great your kids did in finding their names. We then talked about the big letters and little letters our names start with and the sounds those letters make.

We reviewed the letters ABC and D, then we started in on some shapes and colors. We sang the color song and found rectangles of color all over the house.

Here are some pictures of our "Shape Snack." We had triangle apples, square cereal, round cheese, and rectangle graham crackers. We had so much fun eating shapes.

We colored and assembled clocks and colored Mr. Wolf who chases us when we're done singing our telling the time song.

We read a lot of books and had a fun singing time. We even danced a little.

It was such a fun class! I'm really looking forward to Friday! See you then :)

- Lovingly posted by EmCat

Location:Miss Emily's Home


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